Before merging players, you need to do some basic consistency checks. The site warns you if the players to be merged have games registered on the same day, but other inconsistencies remain undetected. For example, if players were registered in different teams during the same season, or if the sequence of registering the 2 players is not conclusive. Click Check statistics of the players involved to verify stats, team assignment, and more. Remember that some stats like Game History only show information from the league you are logged in to.
A warning is displayed if the site detects inconsistencies, for example if the players to be merged have games registered on the same day. You need to submit the merge request one more time to merge the players. This gives you the possibility to check the players' information one more time before merging, as the merge cannot be undone.
It is possible that 2 instances of the same player have been registered on the website, and both instances were used in the same match for different games. If you have verified this is the case submit the merge request a second time, after which the 2 instances will be merged into one player. It is also possible that the 2 players to be merged are not the same person, for example if they played for 2 different teams on the same day. In this case it is better to cancel the merge and find the correct instances of the player to be merged.
Once all information is verified, select Player ID, User ID, and League Function to retain such information from the player indicated. For example, you may chose the Player ID from Player #1, but the User ID from Player #2. You might want to chose the player with the correct team assignment, but use the player's User ID from the other instance.
Player team assignments are processed as follows:
The selected Player ID determines the team assignment in the latest season the player is registered in the database. This team assignment is shown as Team below Player Name.
In any season the selected Player ID was registered, and the second instance Player ID was not registered, team assignment will remain for the selected Player ID.
In any season the selected Player ID was registered, and the second instance Player ID was also registered, team assignment will remain for the selected Player ID.
In any season the selected Player ID was not registered, but the second instance Player ID was registered, team assignment will change to the one of the second instance Player ID.
Migrate the player to the correct team in the most recent season of all leagues if necessary.
Mandatory selections are highlighted in orange color.
Hit Merge, and all games ever played by the player to be dropped will be changed to the player to be kept, the user information will be swapped if selected, and the player to be dropped will be completely removed from the database. It is not possible to undo this action!
Here is one example for swapping the user information: player “John Brian” has played in previous seasons. In the current season he has started his own team, but as team captain he registered himself under a new name “John O'Brian” and played 1 game. When merging the player, select John Brian's player id, but choose John O'Brian's user id, so the login information will be maintained.
You need to recalculate all seasons affected by the merge after merging players. You can do this by selecting Recalc in the confirmation dialog, or after mergin several players by navigating to Recalc Season in the Login menu. Make sure to select the first season which is affected by the merge before clicking Recalc Season.