Single elimination playoffs, “within division then division winners” playoffs, and new “AFL-style” playoffs are supported by the website. AFL-style playoffs are Bethico's adoption of the Australian Football League's playoff scheme.
Choose to play out the consolation game, e.g. the game for 3rd place.
Playoffs can only be created for the current season.
Login to the front-end to enter playoff match results. Results can only be entered by league operators.
Tap New to setup a new playoff, or tap the playoff you want to modify.
You can Delete a playoff. Deleting playoffs cannot be undone. All matches and games associated with this playoff will be deleted and lost forever.
You need to tap Save after changes in Setup Playoff and after Assign Teams to Playoff before you can proceed to the Playoff Schedule.
The Playoff Schedule can only be done for the upcoming round. Come back to this view after the matches of the round are entered. Tap Save without entering any data to setup the next round automatically.
If you change the participating teams or ranking you need to redo the Playoff Schedule. In this case, click <b>Reset Pairings</b> and then Save.
Once the matches in a round are entered, the respective teams cannot be changed anymore. If you need to change, you need to delete the Playoff and create a new one first.
AFL-style playoffs can be set up with 5-16 teams, other playoffs with 3-32 teams.
End this activity before making changes with Cancel, or after making changes with Close.