~~CLOSETOC~~ ====== Edit Team ======
Edit Team and Player information.
===== Select Team ===== * {{fa>cog}} Administrators Select a team, then tap {{fa>hand-pointer-o}} Select * {{fa>user}} Captains are taken directly to their team ===== Edit Team ===== * Select the //Venue// the team is playing for. This should be set already when the season is setup, but can be modified here. * //Team Name// can be modified by {{fa>cog}} Administrators only. * //Website// allows to enter an external resource for a team, for example a facebook page. * Assign the //Captain// of the team. The captain must have a username, email address, and phone number registered. Previous captains keep their login permissions if not removed by an {{fa>cog}} Administrator. * Tap {{fa>pencil-square-o}} Save or {{fa>check-square-o}} Done to save changes, the latter takes you back to the home page. ===== Edit Player ===== ==== Select Team Member ==== * Tap {{fa>pencil-square-o}} Edit to modify the player's information. * Tap {{fa>eye-slash}} Remove to set the player inactive and remove the player from the roster. You would do this if a player has temporarily or permanently left the league. The player remains assigned to the team and can easily be reactivated by selecting {{fa>eye}} Restore. Note that all players are set inactive after they haven't played a single game during one full season. * {{fa>cog}} Administrators Tap {{fa>trash}} Delete to permanently remove a player from the database. If this player has any games recorded, then these will be converted to games of an //Unknown Player//.\\ All player information including all games played will be removed from the database and cannot be restored. ==== Add Player ==== * Tap {{fa>plus}} Add new to add a new player to the team. You should check first whether the player played in the league before, and if so, migrate or restore the player instead. * Tap {{fa>suitcase}} Migrate to add a player from another team, season, or league, to the team. Use {{fa>eye}} Restore instead if the player has last played for your team, but is set inactive. * Tap {{fa>eye}} Restore to reactivate a player and reassign this player to the team. All previously removed players will show in a drop down list, unless they have been migrated to another team in the meantime. * Players cannot be added to a team or migrated after the season cutoff date unless you are an {{fa>cog}} Administrator. Do not attempt to add or migrate players before the new season has started.