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en:help:site:player-pvsp [2024/10/19 12:17] – created bcoen:help:site:player-pvsp [2024/10/19 12:29] (current) – [Select Players] bco
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 ====== Player vs Player Statistics ====== ====== Player vs Player Statistics ======
-<div center round info 65%>Find the history of a player vs any opponent in this view.</div>+<div center round info 65%>Find the game history of a player vs any opponent in this view.</div>
-===== Display Player Ranking Statistics ===== +===== Selecting Players ===== 
-  - You may click a player's nameor team nameafter which you are taken to the respective player or team information.+  - First select the team for the player and the opponent. Select //* All Players since <year>// to show all players who ever played in the league. 
 +  - After selecting the teams the players can be selected. 
 +  - Players are listed in alphabetical order of firstnamelastnamenickname. If all players of the league are selected this can be a very long list. 
 +  - If you are not logged in you will only see nicknames for players who chose to be identified with nickname only. The still appear in the sort order according to their firstname and lastname. For example, a player named //Bernard 'Eagle' Condrau// would be shown as 'Eagle' next to players who's firstname start with 'Ber...'.
 +===== Game History =====
 +  - After both players are selected you will see all games these 2 players have ever played against each other, both in singles and doubles games.
 +  - Klick on any game number to view details of that game and match.
 +  - The summary at the bottom shows total wins. If the league has singles and doubles games then there is an entry for each type of game.